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E-Vino – Winery Management
simplified by Estuate

Winery and vineyard management is a complex endeavor and must be nurtured carefully. Estuate’s E-Vino optimizes winery management, helping you grow in the industry.

Reinvent your winery management practices with E-Vino

Estuate’s E-Vino is an end-to-end cloud driven software designed to help wine businesses manage winery activities efficiently.

Massive Storage

Now store voluminous utility data effortlessly in a low-cost, secure environment

Easy Archival

Archive and access critical business information in real-time for audits or analytics

Third-party Integration

Integrate big data with other third-
party applications including SAP

Robust Validation

Ensure supply quality and seamless
billing with an accurate calculation

Reporting and Analytics

Generate graphic reports in real-
time and analyze utility data

Our E-VINO framework features

A small move can make a difference

Talk to our experts today.