Imbibe DevOps culture and Containerization for Agility and Quality
You’ve heard about DevOps culture. You’ve heard about containers. But do you know what DevOps and containers have to do with each other? If not, this webinar is for you. We are witnessing a new wave of IT revolution and its impact is quite similar to the Cloud and Virtualization revolutions that started in the last decade. This new wave of DevOps and Containers is now fuelling large-scale solutions including Big Data and IoT (Internet of Things).
During this webinar experts from Estuate discussed how the latest DevOps techniques, including Containers, can help you drastically accelerate application delivery with enhanced product quality. Key takeaways from Webinar:
Why DevOps?
- Improves performance with automated development, testing and delivery cycles
- Faster development and release cycle
- Increases efficiency with anytime production ready builds
Why Containerization?
- Provides consistent environment for the application from dev through production
- Supports multiple frameworks and application modularization